Sunday, May 17, 2015

Wednesday, December 20, 1944

Granda and Grandpa are both chiming in this time around.  This is their Christmas 1944 letter home.  Grandma is on the watch, and the letter is hand written.  I must say this is the first time that I can recall ever seeing Grandpa's handwriting.  It is sometimes hard to read, but I rather like it.

Grandpa's Handwriting
According to grandma there are very exact standard that a Christmas Tree needs to aspire to. Needless to say, their current Christmas Tree is not up to snuff.

"We have our tree.  It is about 6' tall (I told Bud to get a small one but he got a big one).  It is skinny but is pretty for trees down here.  It cost $3.  You'd pay 10 {cents} for it at home.  I'm going to try & fix it as nice as possible since this Bud's first Xmas in the states for 3 years, & I want everything to be nice - and it's our first Xmas together."

Grandma goes into great detail about their Christmas presents.  She also goes back and forth between thanking Great-Grandma Shannon for the check she sent them and constantly bringing up her desire to have something wrapped by Great-Grandma Shannon to open on Christmas day. 

"I'm getting anxious to open things now.  I hope we get some sort of presents from you to open on Xmas.  You said you had Smith's Drug send me a pkg. & Peg said she forwarded a little something.  I am glad cause I want to open something you wrapped."

The icing on this letter's cake is Grandpa's half page on the tail end of the 8 page letter.  First off, he calls Great Aunt Peg "Pegasus", which is just amazing, and secondly Grandpa gets to wrap up the Christmas letter like the Bing Crosby Christmas professional he is.

"May this be your happiest of Christmas's and I hope before another rolls around we can all be together."

Merry Christmas from the Miami Robinsons!

The Unacceptable Xmas Tree
On May 17, 1945

1 comment:

  1. Lovely all around and your grandfather had very strong handwriting! I read this and wondered about the other 7 pages:-)
