Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sunday, July 2, 1944

I don't know if y'all watch Call the Midwife, but the series 3 finale really knocked me on my tuchus this evening.  Obviously, motherhood is a major theme in Call the Midwife, but tonight's episode explored the ever complicated relationship between a mother and her daughter.  As every woman knows, the relationship one has with her mother is always complicated.  (Sorry to use the word twice but there really is no other way to describe it)  We are the closest person a mother has to a twin.  We share the same language and read their emotions like a guide book.  We hold our mother's as our best critique and our most avid supporter.  Essentially, mother's are the dichotomies in our lives.  We cannot live without them, but in the end we must.

My mom is the reason I started this blog, and watching Call the Midwife this evening reminded me of that.  So, thank you Call the Midwife for inspiring me to pick up my pen in the name of my Mom once again.

Now, let's move forward with the story of my Mom's mom and bring her back into the foreground.  Let's move forward with Great Aunt Peggy's journey from Montana.

Great Aunt Peggy is making her way across the country and is soon to be in or is already in Chicago, IL.

"Peg must be getting close to Chicago or should be there now.  I bet she is getting rather excited.  I know I am so anxious to see her & show her Miami."

The luggage should arrive sooner than Great Aunt Peggy, so I know Grandma will busy herself with that.  It will giver her something to do with all of her nervous energy. She also refers to Grandpa and their friend Andy as her bellhops.

I'm sorry to say that this is again a shorter letter, I wish Grandma had more to say so I had more to tell you.  On the other hand, sobbing my eyes out with my Mom to Call the Midwife just plum wore me out.  So, good evening friends and hug your mothers close.

Good Night and Good Luck.


(I always wanted to exit that way)

Monday, May 12, 2014

Saturday, July 1, 1944

In preparation for Great Aunt Peggy's visit, Grandma found an adorable apartment on Miami Beach.  It doesn't have a kitchen, but it's cheap as they come and utilities are included.

"I got us a nice place over on Miami Beach. ... It is just one room with a bath and a great big closet.  It has two studio beds, they are real soft and they have covers that go over them in the daytime so they look like studio couches.  I couldn't get a pace to cook in but we can go to the corner drugstore and it is very reasonable there with good food.  The reason I took this place is that it has beach facilities.  She can go over to this private beach and since she is a tenant of the Norgate she can go there for free.  It is a lovely beach and I know quite a few people around there so she won't be lonesome during the day while I am at work.  I am so excited now I can hardly wait.  Also, the jitney goes right in front of our door.  We will live like queens.  It costs $60 a month, but we are saving in the long run because we won't have to pay $1.10 every time we go to the beach, so you can see it is just as cheap in the long run and we won't have to pay electricity and all that stuff.  That is very cheap for Miami for such a nice place."

Ok,  let's talk about lack of kitchen thing.  Oh it's ok, we'll eat at the corner drugstore?! My guess is when she says it's good and inexpensive she means it.  I can tell you though, you save a lot of money from staying in and cooking at home.  Who has two thumbs, didn't buy groceries for 3 months, and blew over $1000 on restaurants?  This kid.  That junk ain't cheap.  However, it was very tasty.  

I love how the not having to pay the beach entry fees balances out the having to buy food for every meal thing.  Well, either way I know that they will have a glorious summer.

Grandma and Grandpa at Grandma and Great Aunt Peggy's Apartment

Friday, May 2, 2014

Thursday, June 29, 1944

Great Aunt Peg is one her way! She did not follow the rules and get her ticket for the City of Miami but the South Wind instead.  Grandma is disappointed in that, but she is ecstatic that Great Aunt Peggy is finally coming down for a visit.

"I got Peggy's Telegram last night that she is one her way and I am so excited.  I will go out over the weekend and get us an apartment -- I hope.  I think I shall be able to find one.  I have so many things planned that we can do.  She told me to send the telegram to Forsyth, which, I did, isn't she going to stop and see Grandma?  I was also very glad to hear that she is going to take the train and not the bus.  I was disappointed to hear she is coming on the Southwind and not the City of Miami, but I guess she was lucky to get on the Southwind.  I hpe that she will be able to get around in Chicago ok without getting lost.  I guess if I could do it, she can."

I'm glad her faith in Great Aunt Peggy is restored.  This letter also gives me the most significant evidence that I am my truly my Grandmother's Granddaughter.


I have been known to giggle at socks before.  Life is too short; find amusement where you can.

Today is Beverly's Birthday, and Grandma went in with some other girls to buy her a nice overnight bag.  Unfortunately, Grandma has her watch assignment this evening and cannot go out with them to celebrate.  She was able to go out with Grandpa and their friend Andy a lot this week.

"Monday night Bud and I went out to a place called the Teepee.  We had a nice dinner and then we danced.  Tuesday night I went to the movie with Bud and Andy and then we got something to eat and went home.  Last night we went out dancing again and had a lot of fun.  Tonight I have the watch over to the barracks and can't go out, so I will wash clothes and iron. I want everything done when Peg gets here."

Maybe Mom knows who this Andy guy is because they've gone out with him several times.  Perhaps he's the reason Mom wanted to call my Brother, Andrew, Andy.