Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tuesday, June 13, 1944

Plans are like crack to me.  I plan everything months in advance, right down to every last napkin ring. When I was a child these plans would never come to fruition because as a child you are never in control of your schedule.  No one would follow the strict guidelines and paths I set them on in order to achieve these amazing jaunts we were never going to jaunt about on.  Did I mention I read a lot of British adventure stories as a child?  Essentially these plans I dreamed about for months always fell down about my ears.  Losing all feeling of control over this harsh cruel world known as my uncooperative family members, I would inevitably lose my tiny tot shit.

As I grew older, I discovered something wondrous and universe altering.  With every failed plan, it enabled me to contrive more convoluted and intense plans.  They usually had more details that I had to iron out and when those failed, it meant that I got to add on more detail.  As I write these words, my pulse is quickening and my brain is whirring.  For instance, if you ask me to plan a menu, but you want to have input, that's cute.  Along those same lines, if you try to change my menu, you will fail.  I know how this meal's taste sensations will work together down to the last candied flower.  In reading these letters, I discovered today that this too is a genetic trait.

Grandma's control planning category was travel arrangements, especially if you were coming for a visit.

"Peg, I wish you would tell me the exact date you are going to be here so I can arrange things.  I'd like for you to get here by the 1st of July if possible.  Now, when you buy your ticket, try to arrange so you can leave Chicago on the City of Miami streamliner.  Get your reservations for both ways.  Also, plan to stay here at least a month.  Make your reservations thru Missoula station.  When you get {to} Chicago stay at the Stevens Hotel.  That is close to the depot you leave to come down here."

Grandma gives Great Aunt Peggy exact instructions on how to make her transfer work in Chicago.  Some people might call it controlling, well, I do too, but it really is a way to show we care.  I know how to plan this out and make it as easy as possible for you.  We have your best interests at heart.  Could we sound more like Big Brother?

Big Brother from 1984 dir. Michael Radford
On April 1, 1944...

1 comment:

  1. Very funny! I once had a woman friend who was about 20 years older than me. She dictated what I should do, and I was grateful for her knowledge. When she died, I met her daughter who hated her because of her domineering--the same trait I saw as caring. All in the eye of the beholder.
