Monday, September 16, 2013

Thursday, September 23, 1943

Grandma is sending some pictures home for her folks to see what her life is like in Miami.  She's not satisfied with how they turned out though.

"My other pictures will be ready today so you can expect them anyday.  They aren't as good as I had hoped but I think that I think that I am cuter than I am."

I always believe that if you think that you are cuter than you are, then that means you have great self-confidence.  Now this can go horribly wrong, but a non-flattering photo is always a wonderful reality check.  Although, I did show y'all the photo of her in her Navy whites and I believe she wears them very well.  Grandma disagrees, but I wish I looked that good in a white suit.  

"The one of me in my whites isn't very good.  My suit was wrinkled and it looks kind of ratty I think." 

My Grandmother might as well have been the social director for the Miami WAVES.  She knows every hot club in Miami and enjoys attending said clubs with friends and dates alike.

"I have been having quite a busy week.  (Monday night) We went dancing to the Royal Center.  Tuesday night I went out with an Ensign who is a friend of Marie Carey's boyfriend... We went out dancing and had a swell time.  (Last night) We went dancing out to the Sky Club and again I had a good time."

She really does love going out and being social.  Well, when the World's at war, life is uncertain.
Unfortunately for the Sailors on the Cruiser Memphis and the destroyer that docked in Miami, my Grandmother doesn't think life is that uncertain.

"Yesterday the cruiser Memphis and a destroyer docked in here and the streets are swarming with sailors.  They stop you on the street and beg you to go out with them.  They come over to the barracks and ask for dates... The boys are lonesome and have been to sea for a long time and want to go out dancing but I just don't like to go with them."

I'm not entirely certain why she writes this, but I do have an idea why she questions their motives.

My Grandmother's positivity and the calm demeanor in which she portrays her life in the Navy makes me forget that she is writing during World War II.  Then she writes a sentence that brings everything back to the forefront.

"Oh yes, I got the papers.  That was certainly terrible about Stan Hillman.  It seemed like there was a lot of news about a lot of the kids I know.  I am sure they will all be married or dead when I get home."

She sounds nonchalant about it, but that's the truth that millions of people were living everyday with. So, you can either deny your truth or, as my Grandmother does, accept your truth, but either way you always have to move forward.

WAVES big wigs from the 1 year anniversary parade

On this day in WWII history

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