Tuesday, August 13, 2013

July 14, 1943 - 6 months later

August 13, 2013

Again, who are these people?! I discovered who some of them are, but I still get thrown for a loop when I encounter some new name.  I mentioned Roy and Marilynn and who they were.  So, let me introduce you to the people I know in this cast of characters.

Margie and Ruth Zeh were dear family friends/distant cousins.  Red and Martha are Marilynn's brother and sister.  Oh! I was spot on about Billo!  He was Great Aunt Peggy's beaux at the time!  Apparently, I met him when I was tiny.  I don't remember a thing about the interaction but Mom said he was nice and gave me sweets.  Then there's Mrs. Timm who sent Grandma a diary and is also an old family friend in Montana.  Diaries were a big no-no in the service.  Diaries threaten state secrets!

Then there's this new cat named "Honey".  The quotations are mine not Grandma's. My Grandmother references him in connection with my Great Aunt Peg.  Grandma says they're coming to visit and she hopes "Honey" will wear his lemonade clothes.  The term is so entrancing compared to plain old yellow.  Lemonade brings memories of summers and sweltering nights.  The sweat dripping off of the cool glass onto a bare arm.  It makes me think that "Honey" prefers fedoras.

Grandma turns back to her naval duties as she recounts an embarrassing moment when the Duty Officer had her retrieve his dinner.  She says she was embarrassed by carrying the dinner tray down the street.  She even draws a picture!

If that is all it takes to embarrass my Grandmother then I am glad she missed out on the advent of Ke$ha!

Grandma closes her letter by wishing her mother a happy early birthday.   I did not know that my Great-Grandma Shannon shared a birthday month with my mother and I.  My Grandma says, "Someone will have to eat my piece of cake but I will eat it in my thoughts."  It's in those sentences that my Grandmother comes through and reminds me how little I truly knew of her.

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